
To develop and adopt training material on cleaning and disinfection procedures in the F&D industry.
To use both food hygiene and prevention of occupational risks training as a strategy to increase workers adaptability to changes
To encourage the spreading and implementation of the European policy about health and safety, and food hygiene, contributing therefore, to protect consumers’ health and to prevent workers’ from occupational risks.
To guarantee the product quality by continuous evaluation during the project development and by means of a final validation of echnical aspects and developed educational materials in the pilot schemes.
To make easier the access to new information and communication technologies (NICTs), especially to those groups with low levels of use of these technologies.
These objectives are in close connection with the European priorities of development of the quality and attractiveness of the practices on education and vocational training, increasing labor market relevance, and promoting innovative practices in training through the use of ICT.

About the project
Cleaning and disinfection of facilities, equipment and all elements involved in the food production process is a key factor to ensure food quality and safety. Cleaning activities play an important role not only in the economic life of Europe where 160,000 cleaning contractors employ close to 4million employees, but also in the cultural and political life.
Over the last years, the industrial cleaning has become increasingly important within the Food and Drink (F&D) processing, a sector that in 2012 represented 14,9% of manufacturing production and was made up of 99,1% of SMEs in the 27EU (Food Drink Europa_2013), where the Italian food industry ranks 3rd in terms of volume of production followed by Spain, in 5th position. In other countries of the partnership F&D production is also very important, e.g. in Iceland about 20% of the workforce is employed within the F&D industry.
©C&D, 2022

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.